
Nick and Midna's Twilight 10

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The Lake, and caught?

When they got there, they lay him down his bed and left the room.
  “Do you want to stay here? Or should we go back to my world.” Nick asked.
  “I think it’s better if we went back to your world, i mean, if you don’t want people go looking for you.” Midna sayed.
  “Oh... yeah. I forgot that it’s almost midnight.” Nick sayed.
  “And then we could go for that ride again, only this time, without being followed by another car.” Midna sayed.
  “Yeah, what do you want to show me exactly?” Nick asked.
  “As i sayed before, you’ll see.” Midna sayed.
They warped back to the Light-Realm and ended up in front of the hotel. Nick transformed back into a human, lucky enough with his clothes on. A few seconds after them, the Land Rover appeared.
  “Let’s go.” Midna sayed.
They got in the car, started it, looked around if anyone was watching them and then drove into the forest.
After 10 mintues there was still no one to be seen, maybe this time there really was no one here.
  “Turn left here.” Midna sayed.
  “You know, you could get a good job as a navigation-system.” Nick sayed.
  “Is that a compliment or a insultment?” Midna asked.
  “Ummm... a compliment..” Nick sayed.
Midna smiled and then gave him a little slap in the face.
  “What you do that for.” Nick asked.
  “A good relationship has his downsides.” Midna sayed.
Nick knew she was right, but he was wondering what that had to do with her slapping him in the face.
  “Stop here.” Midna sayed.
Nick stopped the car, but he didn’t see anything but trees.
  “Wow... that’s really interesting... MORE TREES!” he sayed.
  “Alright then, drive a little further.” Midna sayed.
Nick drove the car a little further, they ended up in a lake with a big waterfall. At first Nick thought this was the lake were the Temple of Time was, but then he saw that this one was diferent. Midna got out of the car, jumped into the water, and swam around the lake. Nick first turned off the car, got out, and looked at the waterfall. It was very big, and from the looks of it, it would be almost 5 storeys high.
  “Come on, Nick! The water is getting colder, it will get warmer with you in it.” Midna sayed.
  “Coming!” Nick sayed.
He took out all his clothes except his boxer, he jumped into the lake and swam to Midna.
  “Why are you still wearing your boxers?” Midna asked.
  “I don’t know.” Nick sayed.
Midna dove into the water and took out his boxers, she then got up again and smiled a little evil.
  “That’s better, issn’t it?” she asked.
  “It will we better once you get closer.” Nick sayed.
Midna began to blush and she got closer to him, she leant against him and began to kiss Nick softly.
Suddenly their romantic moment got disturbed, because they heard something coming from the forest. Nick looked for his boxers, put them on, and got out of the water. Then he looked around, but he didn’t see anything, except the Land Rover of course.
Then he saw some bushes moving, he walked up to them, suddenly an animal came out of them, lucky enough it was just a armadillo. It was alone, and crawling from bush to bush, it looked like he was looking for something. When Nick saw the creature he got shocked, Midna began to laugh she found it very amusing the way the way he acted when he saw the creature.
  “Very funny...” Nick sayed.
Suddenly he heard something else coming out of the forest, he tried to hear what it was, but Midna was laughing to hard to hear it very clear.
  “Shh...” he sayed.
  “What is it?” Midna asked.
Nick put his finger on his mouth, then he tried to listen to the sound again. It sounded a lot like a car, and it was getting closer.
  “Let’s get out of here!” Nick sayed.
He took Midna’s arm, and dragged her with him to the car. He  quickly got in, started it, turned it around and drove away.
  “What did you hear?” Midna asked.
  “Didn’t you hear it? It was a car, and it was heading our way, at least it sounded like it.” Nick sayed.
  “You think those are the same guys as the ones who tried to capture us the other night?” Midna asked.
  “I don’t know if it’s them, but i have the idea that the were looking for us.” Nick sayed.
When they got back at the hotel, they got out of the car, warped it away and then warped themselfs to the hotelroom. Lucky enough, Charlie and George were already sleeping, but they didn’t know if they were really sleeping.
  “What a night...” Midna sayed.
  “You can say that again.” Nick sayed.
He looked outside a window and saw that the stars were shining bright, and the moon was full of white. He walked to the balcony, he wanted to feel a calm wind while standing underneath the clear evening sky. Midna joined him, but she did stay in the shadow so no one could see her.
  “Next to rainy nights, this is my second favourite kind of night.” Nick sayed.
  “For me, every night is beautiful, but you could have already guessed that.” Midna sayed.
  “Your kind of night is also beautiful. Acually, i love the night more then the daylight, it has... more beauty.” Nick sayed.
  “Yeah, but after a while, you would like to see the sun, don’t you?” Midna asked.
  “Eventually, but i still would want to see the night.” Nick sayed.
Nick stared at the forest, it look so calm and beautiful, he wouldn’t have any problem if he had to sleep there one night.
He stared at it for so long, that he didn’t even notice Midna was calling him.
  “NICK!” she screamed.
  “Shh... you might wake up someone.” Nick sayed.
She got a little mad, but she let it go.
  “Shouldn’t we go to bed?” she asked.
  “Why? It’s been...” Nick started.
He didn’t finish his line because he saw that it was already passed twelve. He had been standing there for 1 and a half hour.
  “Why didn’t you say i was standing here for almost 2 hours!?” Nick asked.
  “I called you the first quarter, but you were already a zombie then.” Midna sayed.
Nick was suprised, because he didn’t really noticed that he was standing there.
But he took her advice and walked back inside, took off his clothes, and got in bed. Midna lay infront of him, she wanted him to put his arm around her, and that’s what he did.
The next morning, she was still outside of his shadow, wich wassn’t a very good idea, because George was waking up. He got out of his bed, and walked to the shower, he didn’t look at Nick, and why should he? He didn’t care about anyone in the morning, the morning was a time were he would take nothing serious, even if he saw Midna, he would think he was imagening it.
Charlie on the other hand, was a bit diferent. He was always serious, whether it’s morning or evening, he was always the same. He did look at Nick, lucky enough he was looking from the angle were he didn’t see Midna.
  “Do you know were he was last night?” Charlie asked.
  “Why should i care?” George asked.
Charlie forgot about his morning fever, he quickly walked to the bathroom, and got ready to shower. Meanwhile, George was walking passed Nick again, and this time he saw Midna lying in front of him.
  “Yeah... that’s what he’s imagening now.” George sayed.
He walked to the table and sat down on a chair, then he saw the empty plate, but he thought it was another one of his vision.
After a while, Nick woke up, but Midna was still asleep. When he saw that George was already awake, he tried to woke her up, but she was fast asleep. Suddenly, George was coming their way, he shake her as hard as he could, finally she woke up.
  “Wha... what?” she asked.
  “George is awake, quick get into my shadow.” Nick sayed.
She was still half asleep, but she did what he sayed and jumped into his shadow, just in time.
  “You know, i know it’s just my mind. But i saw Midna lying next to you, i think you really would have liked it if that would really be true.” George sayed.
  “Yeah...” Nick sayed.
George walked away, Nick was realeaved he thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Cause if it were Charlie who saw it, he would have a problem, and Midna’s cover would be blown.
Releaved he lay down on his back, thinking about what would have happend if Charlie saw Midna, or if George found out that his mind wassn’t playing tricks on him. Then Charlie got out of the bathroom, George quickly ran inside, he didn’t want to wait before Nick was finished, so he wanted to get in first.
Nick didn’t care, he wanted to ly on his bed a little longer.
This Chapter gets a little intimate again.
But it's nothing that the younger onces
can read, enjoy it. :)
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smawzyuw2's avatar
George is a Moron.